Should Gender Roles Exist in 2021?
I have a possibly unpopular opinion that gender roles should not exist. I'm sure someone is reading this and immediately thought, "But why shouldn't they exist? Men and women are not the same?". That's true. We are not the same. However, most of our differences are generalizations. For example, men are typically physically stronger than women, but that doesn't mean that every single man is stronger than every single woman. There are cases where a woman may be stronger than the man. The gender role is that it should be the man who carries heavy things. In a scenario where the woman is stronger, does it really make sense for him to be the one to carry the heavy item? Or are people sticking to that norm simply because "that's what a man is supposed to". The rules and roles that we have are based on generalizations and often also based on a state of society that doesn't necessarily match our current state. There was a time where men worked...