Relationship Red Flags
Many of us, myself included, have unfortunately had relationships that were lacking in many ways. I've decided to summarize some of the red flags and things I overlooked from my past relationships, partially for my own benefit and partially in case it helps someone else avoid the same mistakes. Red Flag #1: They have untied loose ends from a prior relationship Having unresolved issues with someone they dated before you is a sign that this person jumps from relationship to relationship. By doing this, they don't take the time to properly learn and grow from each relationship before going into the next one. I had an ex in this scenario. He ended up deprioritizing me at times to handle the unresolved issues with the other person. This was a sign that he had a lack of respect for me and our growing relationship. This ended up manifesting itself in other areas later in our relationship which will be illustrated in the next red flag as well. Red Flag #2: They don't want to commit...
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